
Simple Green Pet Stain & Odor Remover Winner

11:07 AM

Congratulations to Coupon Clippin' Mommy for winning the Simple Green Pet Stain & Odor Remover giveaway on my site! Please respond to my e-mail within 48 hrs. to claim your prize.

This is just a reminder for you all to make sure your profile is public if you are entering giveaways. I have noticed many people who enter giveaways and do not leave an e-mail address. Unfortunately, their profiles are private too so I have to choose a new winner when that happens because I have no way to contact them. Double check to see if your profile is public, if you are not sure! You don't want to miss out on a giveaway!

Have a great week everyone! Happy Monday!


$70 CSN Stores Gift Certificate Winner!

10:49 AM

I'm happy to announce the $70 CSN Stores Gift Certificate Giveaway winner here today! Thank you to EVERYONE who entered this lovely giveaway! I appreciate you all for taking the time to enter! As always, a BIG thank you goes to CSN Stores for sponsoring this great giveaway!

Random.org chose the winner for me! The lucky winner is: (out of 1670 entries)

#1358 Melissa B.

Congrats, Melissa! Please respond to my e-mail within 48 hrs. to claim your prize!


$100 GNC Gift Card Giveaway Winner

1:35 PM

     I'm happy to announce the $100 GNC Gift Card Giveaway winner today! Thank you to everyone who entered this amazing giveaway. Many thanks goes to GNC for offering this great giveaway to you all! Remember to go visit GNC to see the many nutrional products they have to offer!

    Random.org chose the winner for me! The lucky winner is: (out of 474 entries)

Congrats, Patricia! Please respond to my e-mail that was sent within 48 hrs. to claim your prize!


MyBlogSpark: Big G Cereal & "The Lean Belly Prescription" Book By Dr. Travis Stork Prize Pack Giveaway!

10:21 AM

     Did you know that ninety-five percent of Americans do not get enough whole grain, according to the Report of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee? The average person only gets a little more than half a serving of whole grain each day. That is less than the three servings recommended daily.  

     Luckily, there is Big G cereals that can help us get more whole grain in our diet! Every Big G cereal contains at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving, with more than 20 Big G cereals delivering 16 grams or more. (At least 48 grams of whole grain are recommended daily.)

     Whole grains are helpful to have in your diet because it has been found to help with diabetes, weight management, reduce the risk of heart disease, and certain cancers.

     People who tend to eat cereal everyday for breakfast tend to have a healthier body weight than people who do not have cereal on a regular basis. Cereal eaters consume less fat, less cholesterol and more fiber than non-cereal eaters. Weight management is more than just watching the calories. It's also about eating the good stuff- Big G cereals.  Big G cereals are made with whole grain and are nutrient-dense to help you start your day off right with brands you love, including Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Total. Just look for the white check on the front of the box!

     According to "The Belly Fat Prescription," by Dr. Travis Stork, MD and host of The Doctors, a large amount of research has shown that belly fat carries more health risks than fat stored elsewhere. In his book, Dr. Stork also offers several additional "Laws of Leanness," including:

•If you love to graze: Nosh all day long on your favorite fruits and vegetables to help keep your belly full

•If you love fatty foods: discover which fats can actually strip away pounds

•If you love soda: substitute more delicious drinks that can help you lose up to four pounds in four weeks.

     I have been able to read a few chapters in this great book with helpful tips on how to lose belly fat. I love that this book has been keeping me hooked to want to learn more and keep on reading! I would recommend this book to everyone from what I have read already! Dr. Stork has great stories and puts everything into perspective to help you want to become healthier! Dr. Stork also gives easy weight loss tips that we should all be able to follow with alittle work.

     Check out this special video with tips from Dr. Stork to learn more about how a healthy diet including whole grain can be simple to achieve. MyBlogSpark also encourages you to to check out what professional trainers from NBC´s, "The Biggest Loser" had to say about Whole Grain on a recent episode.

     Visit http://www.wholegrainnation.com/ for more tips, additional information about the benefits of whole grain and how Big G cereals can be a convenient and tasty way to help you manage your weight by incorporating whole grain into your day.

     Now for the exciting part, a Giveaway!


Thanks to MyBlogSpark, one lucky reader will win a Big G Prize Pack that includes: a VIP coupon for one Big G cereal and a copy of "The Lean Belly Prescription," by Dr. Travis Stork.

MANDATORY ENTRY: How will you incorporate more whole grain into your diet to help you manage your weight? (1 entry)

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- What is your favorite cereal from Big G?
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- Follow Locate Utah Homes blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your sidebar. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Add my site to your blogroll. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Comment on a non-giveaway post (1 entry for each, up to 5)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste this if you'd like!

RT #win a Big G cereal FREE coupon & The Lean Belly Prescription Book by Dr. Travis Stork! http://bit.ly/gP6RQ8 Ends 4/14 #myblogspark

Giveaway will end on 4/14/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents

General Mills provided me with a free product, information, and prize packs through MyBlogSpark. 

How to Talk to Children About Tragedies & Disasters: Tips From World Vision!

10:51 AM

My heart aches for Japan! I just want to first say that my prayers and thoughts are with Japan right now with the tragedy that recently hit them!

I was happy to receive some helpful information today that gives some helpful tips on how to talk to children about disasters to help them understand and to comfort them.

When disasters like Japan's 9.0 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami capture the attention of children, they begin to ask challenging questions. It's often difficult for adults to know how to respond.

Below are suggestions - compiled by relief organization World Vision - on how to talk with children about the disaster in Japan and its impact. Included are tips on how adults can listen, respond and become involved, as well as how to stay informed while preventing children from becoming traumatized by the details.

How to talk to kids about tragedies, disasters: Tips from World Vision
(information provided by World Vision)

These tips are provided by humanitarian organization World Vision. World Vision has worked in Japan for more than two decades and responded to the massive Kobe earthquake in 1995, and now has staff assisting in the relief efforts in Sendai.

1. Start by listening.
Find out what your child already knows. You can then respond in an age-appropriate way. The aim is not to worry them with the devastating details, but to protect them from misinformation they may have heard from friends or disturbing images they may have seen on television.

2. Provide clear, simple answers.
Limit your answer to the question asked and use simple language.

3. If you don't know the answer, admit it.
If your children ask questions that you can't answer, tell them so, and then do some research to try and help them sort it out. If they ask "Why did this have to happen?" don't be afraid to say "I don't know." The reassurance offered can be invaluable in helping your child sort through the truth that awful things happen.

4.  Follow media reports or online updates privately.

Young children in particular are easily traumatized and seeing or hearing about the horrifying details of the quake may be more than they can cope with. Adults, too, should ensure they are dealing with their own emotions by talking to others, so they can continue to respond well to their children's needs.

5. Concentrate on making them feel safe.

When tragedies occur, children wonder if the same event could happen in their hometown. If it was an act of nature that could not be repeated in your area, tell children that. Placing themselves in the situations of victims is not all bad-it is a sign of empathy, an essential life skill, but watch for signs of excessive worrying.

6. Give children creative outlets.

Some children may not be prepared to speak about what they have heard, but may find drawing or other creative activities helpful to deal with their emotions and stress. Their drawings can be helpful starting points for conversation.

7. Model involvement and compassion.

Tell your child that, as a family, you will be helping the people in Japan by giving a donation to a reputable charity such as World Vision.

8. Give your child a chance to be involved.

Being involved in the solution will help relieve some of their anxiety. Invite them to contribute to the family's gift by giving something out of their piggy bank.


March is National Nutrition Month + $100 GNC Gift Card Giveaway (Open Worldwide)

11:45 AM

     I recently learned that March is Nutrition Month! I had no idea! Thankfully, we have GNC to rely on for our nutritional needs! GNC is a store that has all kinds of nutritional products and a store that we can rely on. Their commitment to us is Living Well. You will find protein bars, vitamins, probiotics, vitamins for pets, meal replacements, and the list goes on and on at GNC!

Here are some of the categories that you will find while visiting GNC.com:

- Pets
- Beauty Care
- Herbs
- Vitamins & Supplements
- Sports Nutrition
- Protein
- Diet
- Cleansing & Digestion
- Super Foods & Greens
- Energy & Endurance
- Equipment & Accessories

     It's such a great time to start becoming more nutritious and to get ready for the springtime and summer.  Paul and I have wanted to get on track with working out again to become more healthier. We are also wanting to try out supplements and nutritious snacks. Paul has been wanting to purchase Muscle Milk so he can have that in place of a meal. We have heard great things about this product from someone else so we are excited to become nutritious and try this out.

GNC also has many other nutritious options for working out with their sports nutrition products.

Visit GNC.com today to see all the products they offer!


Thanks to GNC, one lucky winner will win a $100 GNC Gift Card!

MANDATORY ENTRY:  Like GNC on Facebook, Follow @GNCLiveWell on Twitter, Follow @JeffHennion on Twitter. Please do all 3 things in order to enter to win.

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Follow my blog publicly

- Follow Locate Utah Homes blog publicly
- Like The Adventures of Paul and Natalie on Facebook
- Subscribe by e-mail. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (2 entries)
- Add my site to your blogroll. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link. (2 entries)

- Comment on a non-giveaway post (1 entry for each, up to 5)
- Enter another current giveaway (1 entry for each)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste this if you'd like!

#win a $100 GNC Gift Card @natdey Thanks to @GNCLiveWell and @jeffhennion Ends 3/21 http://bit.ly/fvE22L Open Worldwide #giveaway

Giveaway will end 3/21/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open Worldwide

Thank you to GNC for offering this giveaway to my readers. I will be receiving a gift card for writing this post. No other compensation was made. These are my own opinions.


Simple Green CAT Pet Stain & Odor Remover Review & Giveaway

11:21 AM

     I'd love to introduce you to Simple Green again! I have been able to review great products from Simple Green in the past and I was recently able to review another great product which is the Simple Green Cat Pet Stain & Odor Remover! Simple Green is a great company that sells fabulous "green" cleaning products that are safe for you and the environment! Simple Green products are non-toxic, biodegradable, and are never tested on animals! Some of the great cleaners you'll find at Simple Green include: all-purpose cleaners, stone cleaners, deck cleaners, motorsports cleaners, dishwashing soap, liquid hand soap, and many more.

     Cat Pet Stain & Odor Remover is a must have item at my home. I have 3 cats so there is always a mess to clean up whether my girl cat is having urination problems outside of her litter box or whether my long-haired cat is coughing up hairballs. Simple Green came to my rescue by sending me a review product to test out!

     Here is great information about the rescue product, CAT Pet Stain & Odor Remover:


- Fresh Bond® Odor Eliminating Technology.
- Non-toxic and biodegradable
- People, Pet and Surface safe
- Great for spot cleaning or use in a extraction machine
- Includes a wonderful scent
- Never tested on animals
- Works on urine, feces, scent-markings, dirt, blood, vomit- new stains or old ones.

Where You Can Use This Product:
Carpets, rugs, tile, finished wood, concrete, upholstrey, pet bedding, litter boxes, crates, carriers, laminates, curtains, drapes, auto carpet, auto upholstrey, and anywhere pet soils and stains occur.



     I found a dried vomit spot from my cat on my carpet downstairs in my basement that I hadn't noticed so I was happy to see what Simple Green would do for this dried stain. I simply sprayed the Cat Pet Stain & Odor onto the stain. I let it soak for less than a minute. I then used a paper towel to help rub out the stain which worked wonderfully. You can also use a brush, rag or sponge. Cleaning this stain took less than 5 minutes and the results left my carpet looking new and smelling fresh! I thought the dried spot would take some extra work to clean up, but in all honesty it was very simple to clean with Simple Green's help.



     My cat has had a problem with peeing outside her litter box. The top picture is where she peed with  litter on it from her scratching litter out of her box. The bottom picture is what the Cat Pet Stain & Odor Remover did for this mess. Cat Pet Stain & Odor was easy to use on my tile floor. I sprayed some Cat Pet Stain & Odor on the tile floor and wiped up the mess with paper towels. This cleaner worked really well and left the tile looking and smelling great! The mess was cleaned up within a minute or two! This cleaner is very fast to use and works wonders!

     I honestly love this cleaner! I love that this product helps many different types of cat messes!  I love that this product cleans up the mess and leaves my carpet and tile looking new again, no matter how bad the mess is. I can tell you I have had many cat messes since using Simple Green Cat Cleaner and I'm impressed with how well the Simple Green Cat Cleaner works! I have reviewed the Simple Green Dog Pet Stain & Odor Remover also in the past and it works equally as well as the Simple Green Cat Cleaner!

     Let Simple Green help you with your next animal mess with their Cat and Dog Pet Stain & Odor Remover! I definitely recommend these products to you because they work!


You can purchase the Cat or Dog Pet Stain & Odor Remover at any Petsmart or Petco nationwide.


Thanks to Simple Green, one lucky reader will win either the CAT Pet Stain & Odor Remover OR the DOG Pet Stain & Odor Remover. The winner will get to choose which one they'd like to try.

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Simple Green and tell me one of their cleaners that you'd love to try other than the dog and cat cleaner. (1 entry)

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Like Simple Green on Facebook
- Follow my blog publicly
- Follow Locate Utah Homes blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (2 entries)
- Add my site to your blogroll. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link. (2 entries)
- Comment on a non-giveaway post (1 entry for each, up to 5)
- Enter another current giveaway (1 entry for each)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste this if you'd like!

#win a bottle of Simple Green Dog or Cat Pet Stain & Odor Remover @natdey Open to US http://bit.ly/iitQkh Ends 3/24 #giveaways

Giveaway will end 3/24/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents

I received a review product in order to write a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Simple Green for letting me review and giveaway their product.


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