
Holiday Gift Guide- Epsom Salt Review + Health Benefits and Uses of Epsom Salt

12:44 PM

     I have grown up around Epsom Salt my whole life it feels like! My mom would ALWAYS have a carton of Epsom Salt in our bathroom cupboard at all times! I always knew Epsom Salt as a product that would help muscle aches and pains! Epsom Salt was a must have product in our home! My family was a sport family always playing basketball so Epsom Salt was always great to have for tired and strained muscles. 

     I had no idea the many other uses Epsom Salt has! I'm so happy to learn about them and to share them with you today!

Health Benefits of Epsom Salt:


-Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
-Help muscles and nerves function properly
-Regulate activity of 325+ enzymes
-Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots
-Make insulin more effective
-Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
-Improve oxygen use


-Flush toxins
-Improve absorption of nutrients
-Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
-Help prevent or ease migraine headaches

     Here are some great ideas on how to use Epsom Salt:

      For Pampering

- Glowing skin exfoliating treatment: Mix 2 cups of Epsom Salt with 1/4 cup of petroleum jelly and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Use the mixture to gently scrub away dry skin patches.

-Microdermabrasion Facial: Mix 1/2 TSP of Epsom Salt into cleansing cream for a deep-pore cleansing. Massage on skin. Rinse with cool water. Pat dry.

-Bathtime Bliss: Add two cups of Epsom Salt to the water in a standard-sized bathtub; soak for at least 12 minutes, three times weekly. For an extra treat, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil for a refreshing scent.

-Pedicure Perfection: Dissolve a half cup of Epsom Salt into two quarts of warm water. Pour the water into a container and soak your bare feet for fifteen to twenty minutes. For an extra treat, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil for a refreshing scent. Massage the entire foot with Epsom Salt concentrating on the heels and ankles to remove any dry, rough spots. Then, rinse your feet off with clean tap water and dry them thoroughly.

-Homemade bath crystals: Mix two cups of Epsom Salt with a few drops of fragrance to create a custom bath crystal. Add a few drops of food coloring or 1/2 TSP of glycerin if you'd like. Store in an air-tight container.

For Gardening

- Houseplants: 2 tablespoons per gallon of water; feed plants monthly.

-Tomatoes: 1 tablespoon per foot of plant height per plant; apply every two weeks.

- Roses: 1 tablespoon per foot of plant height per plant; apply every two weeks. Also scratch 1/2 cup into soil at base to encourage flowering canes and healthy new basal cane growth. Soak unplanted bushes in 1 cup of Epsom Salt per gallon of water to help roots recover. Add a tablespoon of Epsom Salt to each hole at planting time. Spray with Epsom Salt solution weekly to discourage pests.

- Shrubs (evergreens, azaleas, rhododendron): 1 tablespoon per 9 square feet. Apply over root zone every 2-4 weeks.

- Lawns: Apply 3 pounds for every 1,250 square feet with a spreader, or dilute in water and apply with a sprayer.

- Trees: Apply 2 tablespoons per 9 square feet. Apply over the root zone 3 times annually.
Garden Startup: Sprinkle 1 cup per 100 square feet. Mix into soil before planting.

After Exercising

"Epsom Salt– actually magnesium sulfate – can help people maintain optimum levels of both magnesium and sulfate. Sulfate helps form joint proteins and helps keep joints healthy, flushes toxins and improves absorption of nutrients. Magnesium regulates more than 325 enzymes in the body, performing more functions than almost any other mineral. Among the benefits: magnesium helps reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps, helps muscles and nerves function properly and helps prevents artery hardening and blood clots."

- To ease muscle pain and fading bruises. Add two cups of Epsom Salt to warm water in a standard-sized bathtub (double the Epsom Salt for an oversized garden tub) and bathe three times weekly, soaking for at least 12 minutes. Also can be used to make compresses.

- To soothe feet aching from a tough workout or a long day, add a cup of Epsom Salt to a tub of warm water and soak them.


     Epsom Salt was kind enough to send me a small carton of Epsom Salt to review! I could not turn down a pampering product that I really needed! The Epsom Salt was sent to me in a very fast timing!

     I am one who has constant pain everyday from a roll over car accident I was in a few years ago. I haven't tried Epsom Salt since my car accident so I was excited to see what Epsom Salt would do for my aches and pains because they can get pretty bad where nothing else helps! I poured about half of the carton of Epsom Salt into a bathtub of hot water. I soaked in the bathtub for quite a few minutes! I must say I felt in heaven with the warm water and Epsom Salt! I felt so much better for the next 2 days which was a miracle! I could feel that the Epsom Salt really helped my pains! I need to keep soaking in Epsom Salt to help alleviate some of my pains so they can stay under control!

      I also had my foot feel numb for a couple days. This was very strange to me since I have never had that happen before. I soaked my foot in a bucket with Epsom Salt for a few mintues. The strange numb feeling went away the next day! Epsom Salt really is a miracle product!

     This holiday season remember Epsom Salt for a great gift idea! You can add Epsom Salt with a spa product that you may be already giving! Epsom Salt is a very cheap product that everyone can afford! You can find Epsom Salt at drug stores near the tylenol, aspirin, and ace bandage section!

Epsom Salt is definitely recommend by me!


Visit your local drug store to purchase Epsom Salt!


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I received a product in order to do a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. Information in this post was provided to me by Epsom Salt. Many thanks to Epsom Salt for letting me review their great product!

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