
2 Lucky Winners

8:59 AM

      Happy Friday! I have 2 lucky winners to announce today! Thank you to everyone who entered these 2 giveaways! I appreciate you all! Many thanks goes to the sponsors too!

      Random.org chose the winners for me. The lucky winners are:

(out of 438)

(out of 237 entries) 
153. Janet  
Congratulations to the winners! Please respond back to my e-mail within the time limit that was in each e-mail! I have great giveaways lined up to be coming soon so please keep a look out for more giveaways coming soon!


Educational Insights Learning Activity - Alphabet Bean Bags Review & Giveaway

12:34 PM

     Educational Insights is the go to store for every child's educational learning needs! Educational Insights helps children learn with a twist... Educational Insights helps children learn with educational toys that produces a lot of fun! I have been able to review a few products from Educational Insights in the past and I have been impressed with every single product that I have reviewed from Educational Insights. Educational Insights products are made with great quality and are made to last!

     Educational Insights is a great store that is located in Southern California. Whether your children needs a little extra help in math, language, science, or other subjects. Educational Insights has you covered and has products in all of those subjects and more subjects to help your children learn!

     Educational Insights website is easy to navigate and also has 3 different tabbed categories on their website which include products for: Parents, Teachers, and Classroom Jeopardy! This is a great store to go to if your children in your classroom or at home needs extra help in certain subjects.

     Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, day care provider, babysitter, or aunt, you should definitely check out Educational Insights. Educational Insights have products that are perfect for everyone with children in their life!
Toss and Learn Alphabet Fun! 

Includes 26 soft bean bags for active play that teaches the ABCs.

- Kinesthetically reinforce early literacy lessons in tossing games with our soft bean bags.

- Includes 26 bean bags, each with an uppercase letter on one side and lowercase letter on the reverse, for active play that engages children in learning the alphabet  

- Features color-coded consonants (blue) and vowels (red) to help children learn the difference

- Offers suggestions for hands-on alphabet games in Activity Guide  

- Provides storage for all components in drawstring bag  

- Washable felt bean bags are lightweight, easy for young children to handle  

- For ages PreK + 

     Educational Insights was kind to send the Alphabet Bean Bags for me, my mom, and my cute niece to review. Shipping was super fast and Educational Insights always has great friendly service.

     I was really happy with the Alphabet Bean Bags when I opened the box up. The Alphabet Bean Bags are made with great quality! I can tell that the bean bags will last for a long time. I really love the fact that the alphabet bean bags comes with a drawstring bag for easy cleanup and storage! The bag is embroidered with the name of the game onto the bag and each bean bag is embroidered with each letter of the alphabet. Vowel letters are embroidered with red and consonant letters are embroidered in blue.

     The Alphabet Bean Bags comes with an activity guide that includes 7 different fun activities to play with the bean bags. Some of the activities include: Alphabet Relay Race, "A" Is for Animal Antics, Toss and Say, Toss and Spell, and Bean Bag Phonics Fun. Each activity comes with a great easy description on how to play the activity.

     My mom really loves the bean bags and asked me if she could have them at her house for when her grandchildren visit. Of course, I said "yes"! She is excited to have the Alphabet Bean Bags on hand at her house so she can help her grandchildren learn the alphabet while having fun. The bean bags are grandma approved!

     My mom had a chance to play, with my cute niece. They had an enjoyable time playing with the Alphabet Bean Bags. My niece had a fun time spelling out words and it helped her to start to learn her alphabets better. The Alphabet Bean Bags is a perfect activity to play with to help children get ready for preschool! My niece is preparing to go to preschool soon and I think this bean bag game is perfect for her so she can get a head start on learning the alphabet!

        Everyone who came in contact with the Alphabet Bean Bags were impressed with the bean bags! The Alphabet Bean Bags is a very unique product that I have never seen before!

       The awesome thing is Educational Insights not only has bean bags for alphabets, but they also carry beans bags that includes: colors, numbers, shapes, phonics, and teachable touchables. 

We recommend Educational Insights and the Alphabet Bean Bags to you!

Visit Educational Insights today to see what Educational Insights products can do for your child's learning needs!

Visit Educational Insights to purchase the Alphabet Bean Bags which retails for $34.99. 


Thanks to Educational Insights, one lucky reader will win Alphabet Bean Bags like I reviewed.

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Educational Insights and tell me a product that the child in your life would love. (1 entry) 

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Like Educational Insights on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow Educational Insights on Twitter (2 entries)
- Like The Adventures of Paul and Natalie on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow my blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail to my site. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (3 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link (3 entries)
- Enter my current giveaways (1 entry for each)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway! (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste the link below! 

#win a fun learning activity, Alphabet Bean Bags ($35 ARV) @ed_insights @natdey Ends 10/14 http://bit.ly/qdHgVX Open to US! #giveaways

Giveaway will end on 10/14/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents 

I received a review product in order to write a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Educational Insights for letting me review and giveaway their product.


Topricin Pain Relief & Healing Creams Essential For Mom's First Aid Prize Pack Review & Giveaway

12:39 PM


     Topricin is a company that offers great healing creams that help relieve pain safely with no side effects! Topricin offers creams for adults, children, and they also offer creams that help foot and ankle pains. Topricin is not your ordinary pain cream! Topricin is much better because it not only rapidly takes pain away, but it also helps the body heal the damage that is causing the pain. Let's just call it a miracle cream!

    Great features of the Topricin creams include:

- Creams are natural
- Creams are Safe
- Odor Free
- Moisturizing
- Safe for Diabetics
- Paraben and Petroleum-free
- Safe for children, pregnant, and nursing women (always consult with your doctor)
- No Side Effects
- Will not effect any other medications you may be taking

Topricin Junior
Specially formulated for children's injuries:

- Bumps, Bruises, Bug Bites
- Muscle Spasms, Leg Cramps, Growing Pains
- Sport and Falling Injuries
- Sprains, Strains, Minor Burns
- Neck and Shoulder Pain, Skin Irritations

     "Winner of the Parent Tested/Parent Approved (PTPA™) Seal of Approval, and designated a Trusted Partner with Healthy Child Healthy World in its continued effort to empower parents in creating healthier, safer environments for children, Topricin Junior is a safe, natural alternative to over-the-counter chemical-based pain pills which can have dangerous side affects. And parents can feel good knowing that Topical BioMedics, makers of Topricin Junior, donate 5% of all sales to pediatric cancer care."

Specially formulated for adult injuries and pains:

- Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Joint Pain
- Repetitive Motion and Trauma Injuries
- Shoulder and Lower Back Pain, Muscle Cramps
- Bruise, Strains, Post Surgical Pain

Topricin Foot Therapy Cream 
Specially formulated for foot and ankle pain:

- Burning Nerve Pain
- Heel Spurs, Bunions, Gout
- Sports injuries: Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fascitis, Shin Splints, Sprains



     I have had a great time learning about the Topricin products. The products are so amazing to read about! I was happy to receive 3 products from Topricin to try out which included the Topricin for adults 2 oz., Topricin Junior 1.5 oz., and Topricin Foot Therapy Cream 2 oz. 

     I love, love, love that the Topricin products are non-greasy, rubs onto skin easily, and is odorless! The Topricin products also come in a convenient size so you can always have this pain cream on hand in your purse, bag, or store it in your medicine cabinent, drawer, or glove compartment.

     I have dealt with severe pain for 8 years since I was in a roll over car accident. I have tried just about every method there is to try to relieve pain with many methods not helping me. I was happy to try out Topricin to see what it could do for my pain. I was happy after trying Topricin out because this is the first product that has really helped take away my pain instead of cover up the pain until the product wears off. 

     I put Topricin to the test when I had severe neck pain that was causing my head to hurt extremely bad. I felt as if my muscles in my shoulders and neck were really tight causing this pain. I rubbed Topricin onto my shoulders and neck. Within minutes, my pain diminished and I felt so much better. I have struggled with this kind of pain for a long time and usually I just have to wait the pain out because nothing will help my pain. I was so happy that Topricin actually made me feel better and I could feel my pain leave! I have also tried this several times when I have had this pain and it has helped it go away each time. I woke up with a headache today and I put the Topricin on my neck and shoulders. It worked again to take away my pain and headache! Topricin will be my "go to product" now when I have my headaches, shoulder pains, and neck pains!

     I have also struggled with fibromyalgia pains and I was happy to learn that Topricin received a patent in spring of 2010 for the treatment of pain which is associated with fibromyalgia. I have never known of a product that you can buy at a store without a prescription that will help relieve and heal fibromyalgia pain. This is the first pain relief product that I have ever heard of to help fibromyalgia pain so I am really impressed with Topricin for many reasons including this reason.

     I also had a chance to try out the Foot Therapy Cream. I have been going to appointments to help strengthen muscles throughout my body and to help balance my muscles out. My doctor guy has been working on my ankles and working them out with exercises. I have had aching ankles for awhile while exercising my ankles to strengthen them and to be honest nothing would help the ache for that pain. I wish I would have known about the Topricin Foot Therapy Cream sooner because I know it would have helped my pain out. I did have some ankle pain again after one workout and I tried the Foot Therapy Cream on my ankles. The pain did subside and I no longer have the ache in my ankle. The pain hasn't come back since using Topricin Foot Therapy Cream so I've been impressed with the Foot Therapy Cream. I'm happy to have this product on hand for when I do have foot pain because it's hard to find a product that will help relieve and help heal foot pain!

     I was unable to try out the Topricin Junior on a child, but I can only imagine how wonderful it would be for any child dealing with pain! The other Topricin products have been amazing and I'm sure the Topricin Junior is just as amazing! Topricin Junior is recommended by pediatricians. The Topricin Junior is a great product that should be in every mom's first aid kit! Topricin Junior comes in a great handy size that you can fit in a medicine cabinet, purse, glove compartment, first aid kit, or sports bag.

     Be sure to check out Topricin’s ‘Boo Boos Happen’ first aid kit that is newly available. This kit includes: a tube of Topricin Junior and ‘Ouchies’ self adhesive bandages that kids can decorate themselves, creating a design with the markers that are included. The handy zippered blue bag is perfect for tucking in other essentials and is recyclable. This is a must have for moms! 

     I am a big believer in Topricin products and I'll definitely be keeping Topricin products on hand for when those pains creep up on my family. I love the fact that Topricin not only takes pain away, but it also helps heal the pain at the same time. This to me, is like a miracle cream!

    There has been a buzz going on about Topricin products and they have been featured on t.v on the Rachael Ray Show and also in magazines like Woman's World. There really is a buzz about Topricin products! Visit Topricin today and see what all the buzz is about!


     You can purchase the Topricin homeopathic medicines at pharmacies, natural food stores, and other retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamin World, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, as well as directly from Topical BioMedics.


Topricin has graciously offered a tri-pack of the Topricin products like I received for your first aid kit. ARV $50!

MANDATORY ENTRY:  Visit Topricin Junior and tell me something you learned while visiting there (1 entry) 

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Like Topricin on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow Topricin on Twitter (2 entries)
- Like The Adventures of Paul and Natalie on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow my blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail to my site. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (3 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link (3 entries)
- Enter my current giveaways (1 entry for each)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway! (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste the link below! 

#win a $50 Topricin Pain Relief Cream Prize Pack to help relieve & heal pain! @natdey Ends 10/12 http://bit.ly/pv9vvR Open to US! #giveaways

Giveaway will end on 10/12/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents 

I received a review product in order to write a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Topricin for letting me review and giveaway their product. 


VTech Prize Pack Winner

9:57 AM

     Thank you to everyone who entered the VTech Prize Pack giveaway! A big thank you goes to the wonderful sponsor who will be sending the prize to the winner!

      Random.org chose the winner for me. The lucky winner is: (out of 393 entries)

138. VickeC
Congratulations to the winner! Please contact me back within 48 hrs. to claim your prize!


Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion + SPF 15 Review & Giveaway

2:50 PM

   Skin MD has come out with a new product for skin care that is the Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion that is made with SPF 15 to help protect skin even more! I have been a fan of Skin MD since the first time I was able to try out Skin MD lotion! Skin MD is known for helping people with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, and many other conditions.

(information provided by Skin MD)

"Skin MD Natural is a breakthrough in skin care that works to prevent dry skin in two ways.

First, it assists the inner layers of skin to absorb moisture. The humectant (an ingredient that attracts moisture) used in Skin MD Natural is unique to it and has been laboratory tested to be 6 times more effective than any other you will find in common skin care products. Second, a shielding lotion enhances the power of the top layer of the skin to resist environmental irritants while protecting the inner natural moisture.
This can be a big benefit for those who cook, and wash dishes and garden because Skin MD Natural helps skin retain its natural moisture and oils in the face of all those irritating soaps and chemicals.

Skin MD Natural has made a commitment to natural skin care by formulating  products that contain more than 90% natural ingredients, are hypoallergenic, free of fragrances, parabens and colorants. All of the ingredients used in Skin MD Natural are 100% food-grade ingredients that are on the FDA's "most safe" list.

Skin MD Natural brings you eco friendly skin care products that manufactured using solar power while also being vegan and cruelty free. "

      The Shielding Lotion + SPF 15 is made scientifically for the face, body, and hands. Features of this great lotion includes:

- No Greasy Residue

- No Fragrances

- No Parabens

- No Petrochemicals

- No Dyes

- Super Hydrating

- Absolutely Natural

     I received a 4 oz. bottle of the Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion + SPF 15 to review. I love the Skin MD Shielding Lotion because it really made my skin feel super soft right after using it for the first time. The driest part of my body during the summer are my toes so I thought I'd try out the Skin MD Shielding Lotion to see what it could do for my toes. I had really dry toes on the top of them and I was happy because the Skin MD Shielding Lotion made the top of my toes become soft and made my toes much more appealing to look at. I really thought my toes were a sad case and nothing would make them look better. I was wrong! The Skin MD Shielding Lotion worked right away and I could tell a difference with just a few uses. 

     I also enjoy putting the Skin MD Shielding Lotion on my arms. I like that this lotion includes SPF 15 so I can be protected while using this lotion. I love products that have 2 in 1 features to it. I like to put the shielding lotion on right before I leave my home so I can be protected by the sun. Even when I'm not going to be outside very long, I still like to apply the lotion onto my arms. It helps my skin to be protected while I am driving in the car, walking into the store, walking my dog at the park, while outside watching sport activities, and while doing many other things that I do out in the sun.

    For those of you who may have skin conditions like dry skin, eczema or psoriasis, visit Skin MD and read all of the reviews to see if you might like to try out Skin MD for yourself to see what it can do for your skin condition.

     I'm a fan of Skin MD! Skin MD really has great lotions that help soften skin on the first use. That is pretty amazing! I recommend the Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion + SPF 15 to you!


Visit Skin MD to purchase the Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion + SPF 15. The Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion + SPF 15 retails for $25.

Visit the Skin MD store locator to see where you can also purchase Skin MD products near where you live.



Thanks to Skin MD, one lucky reader will win a bottle of Skin MD lotion.

MANDATORY ENTRY:  Visit Skin MD and tell me something you learned while visiting there.  (1 entry)

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Like Skin MD Natural on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow Skin MD Natural on Twitter (2 entries)
- Subscribe to the Skin MD Newsletter
- Like The Adventures of Paul and Natalie on Facebook (2 entries)

- Follow my blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail to my site. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (3 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link (3 entries)
- Enter my current giveaways (1 entry for each)
- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway! (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste the link below! 

#win a bottle of Skin MD Shielding Lotion to help keep your skin moisturized and glowing @natdey Ends 10/6  http://bit.ly/nzk6UO #giveaways

Giveaway will end on 10/6/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents 

I received a review product in order to write a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thank to Skin MD for letting me review and giveaway their product. 


$25 Walmart Gift Card Winner

1:55 PM

     Thank you to everyone who made the $25 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway a success! Thank you to everyone for following the sponsor on Twitter and Facebook! Thank you, Locate Utah Homes for sponsoring this giveaway for our Back to School Bash! Locate Utah Homes is a wonderful home search site in Utah that has every available home for sale in Utah on their site.

     Random.org chose the winner for me! The lucky winner is:
(out of 1,060 entries)

# 588 kathy pease    

Congrats to Kathy! Please contact me within 48 hrs. to claim your prize!



Kara Vita- Purifying Complexion Mist Review & Giveaway

2:04 PM

     I recently have become a new fan of a company that I have recently learned about. The company is Kara Vita. Kara Vita is a company that introduces a cutting edge anti-aging nanotechnology.  Kara Vita products help fine lines, dry skin, acne, age spots, troubling skin, and wrinkles. Say goodbye to these conditions by using Kara Vita products. Kara Vita products have become available to everyone through Kara Vita Skin Care Consultants.  Kara Vita offers amazing skin care products that include: moisturizers, mists, firming creams, anti-aging products, and acne treatment products. Just to name a few.

Kara Vita's Mission:
(from their website)

"As a company whose name, products, and philosophy exemplify the meaning of 'Pure Life,' Kara Vita adopts only those goals which truly help enhance a user's life, both through the products we produce, and the opportunities we present for personal and professional success.
     We produce products that provide measurable, visible improvements to skin and beauty. We work with you to select products that will provide you the results you desire, no matter what your age, skin type, or skin condition.

     Our mission is to improve lives by improving skin health and beauty, and to offer a solid business opportunity to support that mission.  As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you have the opportunity to profit by sharing your passion for the most effective anti-aging skincare products available today, and by inspiring others to raise their personal goals for health, beauty and life."

     Kara Vita is unique because they offer a clinical skin care line as a business opportunity to women who are looking to start a entrepreneurial path and looking for additional income.

As a Sales Consultant you can enjoy:

- Flexible Schedule- set your own hours!
- Virtually unlimited earning potential
- Continual Training and Support
- Online reorder system
- No Inventory 

To learn more about becoming a sales consultant visit Kara Vita.



" Using antibacterial Bergamot Oil and hydrating nanospheres, this toner controls breakouts as it tightens and refines pores. Ideal for removing residual dirt, oil, and cosmetics, our Purifying Complexion Mist invigorates skin as it eradicates imperfections. Purifying Complexion Mist is a refreshing addition to Kara Vita’s acne treatment system. "

Benefits of the Purifying Complexion Mist:

- Tightens and refines pores

- Removes dirt, oils, and cosmetics

 - Hydrates skin with nanospheres 
- Cleanses with antibacterial Bergamot Oil 

Ingredients include:
 Sodium PCA, Glycerin, Bergamot Oil, Lyphazomes


     I had the opportunity to choose a product for my skin type to review. I was sent the Purifying Complexion Mist from Kara Vita to review. My review product was sent to me super fast and I was very happy with the service that I received from Kara Vita. I was excited to try out the Purifying Complexion Mist to see what it would do for my skin. 
     I loved that the bottle came with an easy to use spray bottle. I simply spritz two sprays (one spray on each side of my face) of the Purifying Complexion Mist onto my face each time I use it. I didn't read the bottle fully at first so I didn't realize that I could use a cotton pad after spritzing the mist onto my face if I desired. I just let the mist dry onto my face. I did eventually use a cotton pad and I loved that the mist helped remove extra dirt and make-up off of my face. I love that the spray helped my face feel refreshed and it really felt rejuvenating to spray the mist onto my face after I would have a shower in the mornings. The mist has a light smell to it that is refreshing. I loved that it didn't have an overpowering smell to it. 

     I noticed that on the days that I used the mist, my face was less oily for most of the day. I really loved that the mist took away the extra oil on my face leaving my face looking fresh and natural. It's such a relief to have a product that takes away extra oil off of my skin. I would also use the mist before going to work out and I loved that it helped reduce oil off my face that I would normally have after a workout.

    I don't think that the Purifying Complexion Mist has made my pores look any smaller, but I do believe that it has helped reduce the oil on my face which I'm happy about. This product was also great to use and it did not cause any additional breakouts from using it. I'm very cautious about which new products I use on my face since my face is prone to breakouts. I'm happy to say that this product helped my face out in a positive way.

     My face just hasn't been the same as I have gotten older. I have had more breakouts and oilier skin since becoming older than I had in my teenage years. I'm happy that I have found a product that is helpful to my skin and can help me reduce oil on my face. I look forward to checking out the other products that Kara Vita has to offer. I recommend Kara Vita and the Purifying Complexion Mist to you.


You can purchase the Purifying Complexion Mist by visiting Kara Vita. The Purifying Complexion Mist retails for $26. The club price is $22.10


Thanks to Kara Vita, one lucky reader will win a 4 oz. bottle of Purifying Complexion Mist.  ($26 ARV)

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Kara Vita and leave me a comment below under the comment section telling me which Kara Vita product you'd love to try out other than the product I reviewed. (1 entry)

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entry. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


- Like Kara Vita Skincare on Facebook (2 entries)
- Follow Kara Vita on Twitter (2 entries)
- Like The Adventures of Paul and Natalie on Facebook (2 entries)

- Follow my blog publicly
- Subscribe by e-mail to my site. Confirm it.
- Add my button to your site. Leave link (3 entries)
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave link (3 entries)
- Enter my current giveaways (1 entry for each)

- Follow @natdey on Twitter and tweet this giveaway! (1x/daily)

You can copy and paste this if you'd like:

#Win a spritz bottle of Kara Vita Purifying Complexion Mist ($26 ARV) @natdey @KaraVitaSkin Ends 10/3 http://bit.ly/oh6Eu3 Open to US! 


Giveaway will end on 10/3/11 at 11:59 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner on my blog.

Open to US Residents 

I received a review product in order to write a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thank to Kara Vita for letting me review and giveaway their product.

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