
Easter Blog Swap! Thanks, Julie!

6:15 PM

I had a great time joining in on a Easter Blog Swap at Something To Talk About! Thanks, Jerrica for having such a fun Easter Swap! This was my first time ever joining in on a blog swap so it was very new to me! I received my Easter box yesterday! It was so fun to receive! I love receiving packages in the mail so I was happy when I returned home to a box waiting for me on my steps!! Inside my box I had many fun things and I'm so impressed with how crafty and talented Julie is! She made me a beautiful necklace, duct tape pouch, a cute chicken and eggs decoration! I also received some wine charms, a letter, cute stickers, and some M&M's!

For some reason I forgot to include the stickers in my picture above so here are the adorable stickers I received!

Thanks so much, Julie!

If anyone is interested in doing a Cinco De Mayo Swap then visit Something to Talk About and write on her post that you are interested!


Sweets Perfume Review

11:29 AM

Sweets Perfume is a great online store that has many different types of yummy fragrances that are great for every personality and occassion! Sweets Perfume has become my favorite perfume store and I'm so glad that I was able to review many of the fragrances they have! I think Sweets Perfume is a company you will fall in love with too!

(from the Sweets Perfume Website)

"Sweets Perfume is a subsidiary of the Sweetly You Bath & Body Company. Sweetly You was established in 2008 with the goal to make quality bath and body products which help our customers feel like they can truly be themselves. With hundreds of unique fragrances created for our bath and body products, we receive many requests to make the fragrances themselves available as perfumes. 

We personally have been frustrated by the lack for perfumes on the market tailored to the sweeter side. It was just too hard to find a perfume to match a sweeter personality unless you wanted to rub candles all over yourself each morning. Sweets Perfume has created hundreds of fragrances in all categories, including: sweet, floral, refreshing, etc. We even have a men's line. With so many delightful fragrances, you’re sure to find one or more that is just right for you.

One of the questions asked of us is why did you take so long to introduce a perfume line? It is something that has always been on our minds, but was not sure the best way to do so. The Sweetly You philosophy has been to not add anything to our products that don't contribute in some way. Virtually all perfumes are diluted in denatured alcohol, which is not in keeping with our philosophy. Denatured alcohol is predominantly ethanol with a number of other additives designed to make the ethanol undrinkable. Not only are the additives all considered hazardous to one's health, the denatured alcohol is the primary cause of sensitivity to perfumes, not the fragrance oil. In addition, because of the irritation the alcohol causes on the skin, it promotes the development of allergies to the fragrance itself in those with a tendency to develop allergies. The list of reasons not to use ethanol can go on for a while, so what is the reason ethanol is used? Predominantly to dilute the fragrance oil so that the consumer needs to use more and the fragrance is not stable as long (shelf life of 1 year rather than many years). It also makes it less expensive to manufacture, but those costs typically don't translate to the consumer.

After long deliberations, we finally decided the easy solution to our dilema was to offer pure oil fragrances. Our fragrances offer the consumer the highest possible quality fragrance without colorings or other additives. In addition, because there is not alcohol in our products, our perfumes can be shipped by air mail making it possible for us to ship international and for domestic clients to get their packages faster."

I was able to choose 10 different fragrances to sample! I had such a fun time picking out the 10 fragrances to choose from! They have nearly 50 scents to choose from so it was a very hard decision to make!  I really don't know of anywhere else where they have such a wide variety of fragrances!

I was so very impressed with the perfume right when I opened my little package. The scent of all the perfumes came pouring out and I was already in love with them! The scent of them all went really well together and it was so amazing the great smell from the package! I was even more impressed when I was able to use each fragrance by themselves!

I started out with the Warm Apple Pie first and it actually became my favorite scent of them all! It definitely smells exactly like what the name of it is! The scent lasted all day on my wrist and neck. I can't tell you how good it smells when you are running around doing errands all day or taking a walk at the park! I would keep having a breeze of the scent hit my nose and I was just in heaven! My second favorite scent was the Sweet Pea! I love Sweet Pea scents and this definitely smelled like a great Sweet Pea scent to me!

 Those are my favorite fragrances, but I will tell you that none of the scents disappointed me! The fragrances all smelled wonderful and were amazing! The scent was a strong smell of it's own, but it was not overpowering to the smell! It was just right! I love the fact that the scent lasted all day as well!


-  Create an account on the Sweets Perfume Website. It is FREE. The benefits of having an account are you can have account history, make a wishlist and with your first purchase you will receive 15% off of your order.

- Sign up for the Sweet Perfume newsletter. Sweets Perfume sends a newsletter filled with articles on Women's Life and Beauty as well as the newest products, the featured fragrances, and special discounts exclusively for our Newsletter Subscribers. Sign up when you create your account or simply login to your account to subscribe.

- Become a Facebook Fan of Sweets Perfume, Become a Facebook Fan of Sweetly You and Follow Sweetly You on Twitter! These accounts are updated with additional beauty tips, updates on their clearance section and they send out their best specials.

I definitely recommend Sweet Perfume to you! They have great prices, great products, and ship worldwide with low shipping costs!

Visit Sweet Perfume today to learn more about this amazing company! Mother's Day is right around the corner!  I think any mom would love Sweets Perfume!

I received products from Sweets Perfume in order to do a honest review. All opinions are soley my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this review. Many thanks to Sweets Perfume for letting me do a review on their great products!

MagnaPods Organizers Winner

10:16 PM

   Thank you to the many of you who entered the MagnaPods Organizers Giveaway! I think the MagnaPods are an amazing invention and I'm so glad that I'm able to be more organized with them now!

   I have a lucky winner for the MagnaPods Organizers which I picked with random.org.

  The winner is:

  #149 The Wood Family

    Congratulations to The Wood Family! Please respond to my e-mail within 48 hrs. She won by her daily tweet! Thanks to the many of you who did tweet daily!

Reminder- MagnaPods Organizers Giveaway Ends Tonight

10:28 AM

I just wanted to remind you that the MagnaPods Organizers Giveaway ends tonight! If you have a medicine cabinet then you should definitely enter this giveaway! The MagnaPods will definitely help you organize your bathroom products better!

Giveaway will end tonight (3/30) at 10 PM MST

Hurry and get your entries in!

Thanks to all who have entered this giveaway!


Plan Toys Pull-Along Zebra Review

2:39 PM

Have you heard about Plan Toys? If you haven't heard about Play Toys yet then you should definitely go check out the many great green toys they have on their site! I was happy to have the opportunity to review the Pull-Along Zebra from Plan Toys! Before I tell you about the Pull-Along Zebra, I would love to tell you about Plan Toys!

(From the Plan Toys Website)

"PlanToys® is proving that it is possible to maintain superior quality and safety standards in addition to following a path of environmental and social responsibility. We are committed to maintaining the highest standard of ethics while creating innovative educational toys for every developmental stage of childhood. These toys inspire children's imagination as well as promoting their physical and intellectual development. PlanToys® are made from non-toxic, natural materials such as organic rubberwood. Our toys enable children to play, learn and become closer to nature. "

I love that on the Plan Toys website they have an easy way of finding just the right toy that you are looking for! You can type in which developmental skill, age of child, and which catalogue you would like to find a toy from! They have a list of many developmental skills that is very impressing! Some of them include: creative, logical, fine motor skills, coordination, mathematical, visual, imagination and the list goes on and on!
The Pull-Along Zebra is a beautiful wooden zebra that your child can pull around while watching the zebra nod it's head while it's rear goes up and down. This is such a fun toy that will keep your child entertained for a long time. They can push the zebra while they are on the floor or they can pull it along as they walk! The Pull-Along Zebra was awarded with the  Best Toy Award 2008 by Parents Magazine, USA! This toy is also best for ages 19+.
Playtime Ideas

•The interesting character of the Zebra will surely help to motivate children to walk and move around.

•Parents can use the Pull-Along Zebra as a leading character in telling wonderful stories to their children such as the character and running like movement which will also help develop language, vocabulary and also help develop good relation in the family.

•Parents can teach about color and direction such as left, right, backward and forward.

  I am very impressed with Plan Toys! I am an aunt to 10 niece's and nephew's. I have bought many Christmas and birthday presents for them over the years. To be honest I have never thought about the quality of the toy before buying them! I am thankful to know about Plan Toys now and the quality of their toys that will last a very long time compared to other toys! I love the fact that they have toys that let children learn on their own. Many toys today, take batteries and move by themselves so children just watch the toys and they don't learn as much with these toys! I think it's great that Plan Toys have toys that help children learn skills by themselves that are very important for them!

My niece was super excited to try out this new toy! She loved it so much as you can see from the pictures above! She loved pushing it and watching the zebra roll along the floor and she loved watching the zebra move around! She was really fascinated by the zebra at how it moved! The zebra moved really well on the carpet as well! This is definitely her new favorite toy that she loves to play with and she loves rolling it around wherever she goes!

Plan Toys has many new toys to add to their already amazing line of products! Make sure you go visit their site to check out the new toys they have that came out this year! They have so many fun toys to look at that you'll have a great time checking out the many new toys they have!

I definitely recommend Plan Toys and the Pull-Along Zebra to you!

I received a product from Plan Toys in order to do a honest review. All opinions are solely my own. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Plan Toys for letting me review their product!



Naumes Fruit Gifts Review + Quick Giveaway

9:00 AM

I have a great and wonderful company to introduce you to today! This company is called Naumes Fruit Gifts! After reviewing their products, 2 words come to my mind when I think of this company! The words are ABSOLUTELY  AMAZING!

About the Naumes Family and how the company started

"In 1908, my grandfather, Pete Naumes, bought the family’s first apple farm in Hood River Oregon. My father, Joe Naumes, started our Southern Oregon family farm in 1946, relying on hard work and his passion for farming to make it a reality. Building off of knowledge passed down from his father, we have successfully expanded to 21 farms in 3 states. Throughout his life as a farmer, he left behind his mark not only on the industry, but also on the people he knew."

You can buy different kind of pears on the Naumes website. They have unique pears that are colorful and beautiful! The pears they have are comice pears, red pears, bosc pears, and to top it all off they have colossal comice pears that weigh over a 1/2 a pound! Wow!

Naumes is a company that is dedicated to giving back to people who are in need! I think it's such a great service they are doing to help out others who are in need! It says alot about this company!

About their donations

"Our family has been donating fresh fruit to the hungry for generations. For every fruit gift you purchase, our family will match it pound for pound, donating fresh and nutritious fruit to food banks that feed hungry families.

Working to end hunger is especially critical in today’s economic climate. Through our Donate Fruit program, your purchase gives twice, putting fresh fruit in the hands of hungry families.

In today’s challenging economic environment, knowing that a gift one receives has also made an important difference in the life of another makes your gift even more special. Our fruit gift box lets the gift recipient know that the gift they have received has been matched pound for pound with a donation to the hungry. "


I was happy and excited when Naumes Fruit Gifts agreed for me to review some of their amazing pears! The box came super fast! I opened the box to find amazing, beautiful pears in the box. My first thoughts were that I had never seen pears so beautiful, plump, and in perfect shape in my life! I was very impressed with them. They sent me a mixture box that came with red pears and comice pears that were beautiful pears. The taste of these pears were so yummy and sweet to the taste! After being shipped and everything their were no bruises to them which was awesome. They completely are better than the pears you will find in the store! I must say I don't buy pears from the stores very often because they usually seem mushy and bruised! I don't like that about pears! I also have family that has pear trees. They deliver me pears and I can honestly say they aren't attractive and are the mushy kind. Naumes definitely brought back my love for pears and after trying Naumes pears I know I can never find pears like this again! Naumes are the greatest pears I have ever tried!

I definitely recommend Naumes Fruit Gifts to you!

BUY IT! Visit Naumes Fruit Gifts today and order some beautiful fresh pears that will come right to your door!


Thanks to Naumes Fruit Gifts, one of my readers will be lucky to win a box of their pears to try out for yourself! Yummy!


1. Visit Naumes Fruit Gifts and tell me one thing you learned or like on their site (1 entry)

**You must do the first entry first to qualify for bonus entries. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


1. Become a Facebook Fan of Naumes Fruit Gifts (2 entries)
2. Follow Naumes Fruit on Twitter (1 entry)
3. Subscribe to Naumes Fruit Gifts newsletter (2 entries)
4. Follow my blog publicly (1 entry)
5. Become my Facebook Fan (1 entry)
6. Add my blog to your blogroll (1 entry)
7. Subscribe by reader to my blog which is located on right sidebar (1 entry)
8. Blog about this giveaway. Leave link. (3 entries)
9. Add my button to your blog (2 entries)
10. Enter my other current giveaways (1 entry for each)
11. Comment on a non-giveaway post (You can comment up to 5 times. 1 entry each)
12. Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (You may do this daily)

You can use this to copy and paste for your tweet
@natdey Win a box of fresh pears from Naumes Fruit Gifts! Open to US Only! Ends 4/4 http://bit.ly/cpyP2T #giveaway

Giveaway will end on 4/4/10 at 10 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. Winners have 24 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen! I will also announce the winner on my blog!

Open to US only

I received a product from Naumes Fruit Gifts in order to do a honest review. All opinions are solely my own and others may have different opinions. I did not receive any monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Naumes Fruit Gifts for letting me do a review and giveaway of their company!

Canadian Giveaways

The 3-Day Cleanse Book Review + Giveaway

3:10 PM

Drink Fresh Juice, Eat Real Food, and Get Back into Your Skinny Jeans

By Zoe Sakoutis, Erica Huss

Paperback: 240 pages
Published: March 25, 2010


Celebrities, foodies and media people rely on the Blueprint Cleanse for relief from the excess, overindulgence and toxins we are all exposed to every day. Now, the founders of the cleanse praised in Elle, Vogue and Every Day with Rachel Ray, offer THE 3-DAY CLEANSE, an at-home juice cleansing program for everyone.

Cleansing allows the digestive system to rid itself of the toxins everyone accumulates from unhealthy eating or from the environment. This is a customized program based on your own personal health and lifestyle. Unlike other programmes the Blueprint Cleanse includes enough calories and natural fats for an easier yet incredibly effective cleanse.

This books guides readers through step-by-step guidelines for a 1-day, 3-day and 14-day cleanse, as well as a long-term maintenance plan. There are sidebars with quick tips, secrets and advice from people who have done the cleanse and in addition to the juice, raw and part-raw recipes the authors include advice on battling the urge to cheat and working the cleanse into a busy lifestyle. It will boost your immune system, alleviate allergies and PMS, improve your mood and sex drive and clear up your skin. Finally.


I am really interested in cleanses and I have actually done one before that was successful for me so I was really happy to be able to read this book to learn about this cleanse!

This book gives you the reasons why you should cleanse your body regularly! We have toxins in our body that we probably don't think about on a daily basis or even know we have! I can't imagine how much better we would all feel if we got rid of the toxins in our body regularly! 

This book also teaches you how to get ready for a cleanse so your body can be use to the cleanse when you start it. This book encourages you to skip sugar intake, stop salt intake, pretend you are vegetarian, and stop drinking coffee or  caffienated drinks to prepare yourself for the cleanse. It also gives extra tips on how to do all of those things.

I was impressed with the actual cleanse part of the book! It was thorough about the cleanse. It gave helpful tips on how to get through the cleanse if you are struggling. I thought this cleanse sounded easy enough for me to do it and it really made me excited to try this cleanse out!

It also has great ways on how to help you ease off of the cleanse! I loved how it shared the fruits and vegetables that are in the recipes for this cleanse. It listed all the fruits and vegetables and next to them it said why they help your body out.

This book also has many recipes in the back of the book for you to make for the cleanse. It has recipes for Spaghetti Squash, Spicy Almond Dressing, Veggie Tacos, Classic Veggie Omelettes, Blueberry Apple Vanilla Juice, Raw Chocolate Milk, and there are many more recipes in this book that you can make while on the cleanse! The recipes also look pretty easy to make. The recipes don't have to many ingredients in most of them. I like those kind of recipes because they are easier to make that way!
I can tell you I was impressed with this book and I look forward to trying this cleanse out! If you just want to learn about cleanses and how they are good for you then I definitely recommend this book! You will learn so many interesting facts!

BUY IT! Visit Hachette Book Group to see where you can buy this book!

I was given the opportunity to review this product because of my membership at The Product Review Place.


Thanks to Anna at Hachette Book Group, I have 5 copies of this book to give away to my readers!


1. Leave me a comment about why you'd like to read this book (1 entry)

**You must do the first mandatory first entry to qualify for bonus entries. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


1. Follow my blog (1 entry)
2. Become my Facebook Fan (1 entry)
3. Subscribe by reader on my right sidebar (1 entry)
4. Add my button to your blog (2 entries)
5. Add my blog to your blogroll (1 entry)
6. Blog about this giveaway. Leave link. (3 entries)
7. Follow me on Twitter and tweet (You may do this daily)

You can copy and paste this if you'd like

Win a copy of the 3-Day Cleanse Book! (5 Winners) Ends 4/15 @natdey Open to US/CAN http://bit.ly/a3iznT #giveaway
8. Enter any of my current giveaway (1 entry for each)
9. Donate to Walk For Lupus Now (10 entries)

Giveaway will end on 4/15/10 at 10 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. Winners have 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen! I will also announce the winner on my blog!

Open to US and Canada

I received a product in order to do a honest review. All opinions are solely mine. Others may have different opinions. I did not receive monetary compensation for writing this post. Many thanks to Hatchette Book Group for letting me review and giveaway this book!

New Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk Winner

11:16 AM

I never heard back from one of my Horizon Chocolate Milk winners within 48 hrs. so with random.org I have chosen a new winner!

The winner is:

#228 jakiesmom

Congratulations, Jakiesmom! Please respond to my e-mail within 48 hrs.

I have many great giveaways going on right now so please check them out and enter them! Good luck everyone!

Lemonade Stand Award

4:41 PM

Thank you to Two Little Cavaliers for honoring me with the Lemonade Stand! I appreciate it so much! If you haven't checked out Two Little Cavaliers blog before, you definitely should! She is having a BIG event in April for dog lovers! She will be having tons of giveaways so go check her blog out early to learn more about that!

Thanks so much, Felissa!

I have passed on this award before so that is why I'm not passing it on!

Better Basket Blog Hop...for a wonderful cause!

12:41 PM

I was blessed to receive this great basket gift from Nichol at Kiddies Corner Deals with Easter being right around the corner! I'm so glad that she thought of me so I could join in for this great cause!

Here is some information on the Hershey's Better Basket Blog Hop:

This Easter season Hershey is all about helping you to create Better Easter Baskets with their special limited edition Easter candies found at Walmart.

More importantly, Hershey wants to promote the idea of going good in our own communities. The Hershey Company is committed to making a difference in the communities where we live in, and has a heritage of giving back to the community."

Thanks to Hershey's and 20 different bloggers looking to blog for a good cause, baskets like the one above were created and given to charities of each bloggers choice to spread Hershey's ongoing message around: We are ALL working together to do good in and out of our own communities!

In addition to those 20 baskets donated to charity, Hershey's is also sponsoring a Better Basket Blog Hop where Hershey will donate $10 per blog post entry for the Children's Miracle Network, up to $5,000. Amazing."

Now that you know what this cause is all about please join in and post about this! It's for a great cause! Anyone can post about this so please post this even if I forget to mention your name!

I'm passing this on to:

If you want to be apart of the blog hop, here are the rules:

Copy and paste these rules to your blog post.

Create a blog post giving a virtual Easter Basket to another blogger – you can give as many Virtual Baskets as you want.

Link back to person who gave you an Easter Basket.

Let each person you are giving a Virtual Easter Basket know you have given them a Basket.

Leave your link at BetterBasket.info/BlogHop comment section. You can also find the official rules of this #betterbasket blog hop, and more information about Better Basket with Hershey’s there.

Hershey’s is donating $10 per each blog participating to the Better Basket Blog Hop to Children’s Miracle Network (up to total of $5,000 by blog posts written by April 4th, 2010).

Please note that only one blog post by each blog url will count towards the donation

Mikarose $60 Gift Card Giveaway

11:13 AM

Giveaway is closed!
The winner is:
#527 Gina

    If you are looking for a cute, in-style, modest dress than Mikarose is the place you should go to for your dress needs! They have great dresses that look amazing! I was excited when Mikarose agreed to have a giveaway on my blog for one of my lucky readers!

About Mikarose
(from their website)

"Mikarose is a clothing company that specializes in modest, elegant and fashionable dresses. Our company's idea evolved when the owners realized how difficult it was to find modest dresses in today's market. We are sure you have had similar experiences when looking for a modest dress. After many frustrating outings, we formed Mikarose. Our goal is to provide an extensive line of modest dresses, without having to sacrifice style. You will be able to wear our line to a broad range of functions: from everyday events to corporate parties. We hope to not only meet the needs of women looking for modest wear, but all those who are seeking elegant dresses."


    I really love the dress above! It is called the Eva Dress and retails for $54.99. It comes in 2 colors that you can choose from. Black or Brown. The greatest thing is it is made out of wrinkle free fabric!

Mikarose also sells tops! This shirt is extra cute and made out of 100% cotton. It comes in 3 different colors which include: Turquoise, Black, and Honey Dew. The size it comes in ranges from XS-2XL. It retails for $34.99.

Mikarose also sells some stylish skirts! This skirt is a gorgeous pleated pencil skirt in a stylish pewter and black fabric. With a slimming contour waist. It comes in the colors black and silver. It retails for $39.99.

Mikarose also has an awesome clearance section that you should check out! This dress is the Ariana dress. It is on sale for $32.99 right now. Many of my favorite dresses from Mikarose are on clearance right now so be sure to check out the clearance items!!

Mikarose has a “Marvelous Mother Giveaway” going on right now in honor of Mother's Day!

(March 4, 2010), Provo, UT – Mikarose, an industry leader in women’s modest clothing and apparel announces its ‘Marvelous Mother Giveaway contest to celebrate their upcoming 5 year anniversary and Mother’s Day.

“Being a able to bring attention to and celebrate the wonderful things that mothers do is exactly what Mikarose is all about,” said Michaella Lawson, President of Mikarose Clothing Company. In order to say thank you to the many mothers that have made Mikarose a success, Mikarose Clothing Company is offering the ‘Marvelous Mother Giveaway."

The Giveaway offers an exciting grand prize package which includes:

1. Two Economy Class, round-trip tickets to Tampa Florida from any major city in the
 Continental United States.

2. A Five night Western Caribbean Cruise on Carnival Cruise Line.

3.  Round Trip transportation from Tampa International airport to the Tampa Cruise Terminal.

4. A $100 dollar MikaRose Gift Certificate.

The sweepstakes runs from March 08, 2010 through April 12, 2010. To Nominate a Marvelous Mother simply go to http://www.mikarose.com/. Visit this same site to view the complete giveaway rules. No purchase is required to enter the Giveaway. Four finalists will be chosen and their stories placed online where individuals will have an opportunity to vote for the mother they feel deserves the giveaway out of the four finalist. The winner will be announced on May 3rd 2010.

Visit Mikarose today and nominate your mom!


I'm super excited to announce that one of my lucky readers will receive a $60 gift certificate to Mikarose right here on my blog!  Thank you, Mikarose!


1. Visit Mikarose and tell me what you would buy with a $60 gift certificate. You must also follow my blog!  (1 entry)

**You must do the first entries first to qualify for bonus entries. Please leave a comment for each entry! If it says 3 entries then leave 3 entries! You must be 18 years old! No PO Box addresses will be accepted! Please make sure you leave an e-mail address or have it in your profile! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!**


1. Become a Facebook Fan of Mikarose (2 entries)
2. Subscribe by reader to my blog located on right sidebar (1 entry)
3. Become a Facebook Fan of my blog (2 entries)
4. Add my button to your blog (2 entries)
5. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)
6. Add me to your blogroll (1 entry)
7. Follow me on Twitter and tweet (You may tweet daily)
8. Enter my other current giveaways (1 entry for each)

Giveaway will end on 4/12/10 at 10 PM MST

Winner will be chosen by random.org and will be e-mailed. Winners have 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen! I will also announce the winner on my blog!

Open to US Only

I did not receive a product or compensation for writing this post. I'm simply passing on a great giveaway opportunity to my readers!



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